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Vision & Mission

OICS is known as the pioneer of computer literacy through out the country. Institute working towards its goal with the save Zeal and enthusiasm. OICS Focused on main objective:-To general environment opportunities for its student by preventing the best designed job oriented courses and jobs. Computer Literacy to every eligible candidate of the country.

As the motto of this institute is also “to educate the underprivileged section of the society” we, as a team are ready to reach to the most desiring and deserving candidates with these offered courses of the esteemed University, and we are confident that our dream to make zone having 100% literacy level, will definitely come true in a shortest span of time.

The ongoing plan to reach to the masses of the remotest villages with a dream to make use of these courses, offered by prestigious University, through which, even students of those areas can also join the steady path of progress through quality education and showcase their talent to come at par with the privileged ones and make their dream come true.

“Arise! Awake! And Stop not till the goal is reached .’’ This thunderous and eternal message from Upanishads uttered in equally thunderous voice by Swami Vivekananda freely, frequently and vigorously, more than a century ago, roused the Indian nation from her deep slumber of centuries,  and called upon her countrymen, especially the youth, to give their best for India’s spiritual and national renaissance. Inflamed and inspired by this clarion call, a generation of our people dedicated their lives to the revival of Indian nation. Hundreds of them embraced death and suffering during the struggle for independence.

उठो जागो और तब तक मत रुको, जब तक कि लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति न हो जाए और किसी एक विचार को अपने जीवन का लक्ष्य बनाओ कुविचारो का त्याग कर केवल उसी विचार  के बारे में सोचो तुम पाओगे की सफलता तुम्हारे कदम चूम रही है|

-Swami Vivekananda

-स्वामी विवेकानंद